My first source is a book called "Half Half." It is a book filled with short life memoirs about biracial and bi-cultural people. Although the stories of these people were different it always compared America to another country and culture. The people usually felt more in touch or connected to the other country. So at the end of the novel the book basically stated that between feeling more identified with the USA or another country they felt more identified with the other country in culture, language, traditions, etc....even if they were born in the US. An example is Roxane Formanfarmaian said " Such intimate details I knew about Utah, too, and still I did not feel the same sense of belonging there." When she was talking about her life in both Utah and Iran.
The article on Wikipedia talks about what code-switching is, It talks about the mechanics of code-switching. It also talks about the types and examples of code-switching like from Spanish to English. In one example they had a girl state" but you can ask mami and papi to see if you could come down." It sates the motivation of codes-witching like your community and ethnicity as some examples. The article tells you all about code-switching from the definition to examples to reasons why people do it.